

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)
Thursday, June 16, 2011

postheadericon Music Jam 2011 Free Items

Here is the rooftop,you can get a free boombox here (this room is only for members)

Here are the boomboxes,go press them and it asks you if you want one.

If you press yes you put on your boombox and this is how it looks when your dancing with it

Now you go to the backstage room to get another free item (only for members) press it and it asks you if you want it

This is how your Penguin looks with the green shirt if you pressed yes and put it on.

Go to the cove and you will see a free music hat press it and it will ask you if you want it (everyone can get it)

It will ask you if you want it



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