

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

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Cerenado (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

postheadericon June 2011 sneak peak

Hello Penguins!

The team is putting the finishing touches on some new stuff for June! Here's a sneak peek at some things they've been working on:


Plus here are some dates to remember:

  • June 9: New igloo item catalog
  • June 16: Music Jam = party time!
  • June 23: New member ninja items at the Ninja Hideout
  • and more...

So what are you most excited about this month? Can you guess what's in each of the pictures? Let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

-Posted by Jayy124



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