

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)
Sunday, May 15, 2011

postheadericon New Message From Herbert and Protobot

 Hello Penguins.Today I was logging in cp and there were 2 new messages from Herbert P.Bear and the Protobot.

If you cant read what it says in the picture here is what herber  says

"Mwa ha ha! All too easy! Now that Proto-bumbler is out of the way, I can begin my NEW plan. Prepare "ye fools", for I "cometh" soon. "

If you can't read what to protobot says in the picture here is what it says.

"Reclassifying - polar bear is now our enemy. System damage unrepairable. Retreating until new engineer can be located. BZZZZK."

Note: If letters are red or blue that means the words are important



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