

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

postheadericon Field Op mission 45

Here is Field Op mission 45,first talk to Gary to receive your field op mission

                                             Now go to the ski village next to the everyday phoning facility there is the signal where my penguin is standing.

If your Spy Phone starts ringing in color green that means you have the signal and you press it and here is what you have to defeat.

Here is how the game looks once you start to play it.

 Once you finish the game you receive a field op medal and you see a message from herbert



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