

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Webkinz10157 (co-admin of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Cerenado (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)

Frostbyte7 (mod of blog)
Monday, July 4, 2011

postheadericon Possible Cardjistu Shadow Logo?

Thanks to Fretv for finding this image.

Could this be true?Cardjistu Shadow?So many secrets in Club Penguin,don't you think so.We just have to keep discovering.

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Hey guys well I reached 300 followers on twitter yay...and, I will have a 300 follower's party today

Here is the info below.
When: July 2,2011
Time: 12:30pst time
Server: Frosty
Room: Danceclub

Reason: 300 followers
Friday, July 1, 2011

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Club Penguin Blog Developer Update!

Hello Penguins!

Here's an update on what we've been working on this week. We want to let you know a little bit about what we're doing here behind the scenes. Adventure Party this month - We're putting the finishing touches on this month's event... the Adventure Party! I won't say too much just yet, but I hear a certain pirate may be making an appearance...Clothing catalog and newspaper - We're doing some updates to our systems for the next few weeks, so the newspaper and this month's clothing catalog will be launching early next week instead of today. Don't worry, we'll let you know as soon as they're ready. Here's a sneak peek of the catalog:

New free items - We're still sending out the two new items to everybody. It will take a few days for the new Red Hat or Blue Cloud background items to get to everyone's accounts.   

Bugs squashed - We squashed a bunch of bugs last night, so you can play Card-Jitsu again. We also fixed a couple issues with DJ3K that were causing Flash Player to freeze. Thanks for letting us know about them and helping us make Club Penguin better for everyone!  New games - We've been working on a few new game prototypes. Thanks to those of you that beta tested Rollerscape and some of the other prototypes. You guys had some great feedback! We should have some new games up on the Beta Team site very soon.Let us know if you have any questions in the comments. We're here to help!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

postheadericon Shadow Ninjas!

Today I looked at some of Club Penguin's swf's and look what I found.


Notice how there's a lot of light in these images.It is about the Shadow Ninja coming in July,in July there will be a Blackout in Club Penguin witch means shadow ninjas are coming.

postheadericon New Updates Clubpenguin Maps June 2011

Hey guys,today Club Penguin updated their map!It is so awesome...if you dont know how to use it look below.

Here is the first page of the map.The game section.You can look for almost every game on Club Penguin.The only games that are missing are "Paint by letters","Carjistu fire","Cardjistu Water","Mancala" and "Find Four".

Here is the second place of the map witch is the places.You could look for any place on clubpenguin for example "The light House".This map is awesome.

The third post of the map,witch is Games.You could look for any Club Penguin games...for example "Cart Surfer.

The last post of the map is the "Pet" button.It only has one Purple Button of a Blue Puffle and it takes you to the pet shop.

The new map is better,and easier to take you to places.Isn't it awesome!Comment below of what you think.

postheadericon Music Jam Special Announcement!

Hello Penguins!

Thanks to you guys, Music Jam has been awesome this year! It's cool to see so many of you dancing the robot and starting up your own bands.

We heard a lot of you don't want the party to end... You asked... and we've listened!

Guess what... We're extending Music Jam for you! Now EVERYONE can party for an extra week!

How are you going to spend the extra party time? Let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle On!
Sunday, June 26, 2011

postheadericon New Club Penguin Maps (unlisted video by happy77)

There will be new maps on club penguin!
Happy77 just uploaded a video of new Club Penguin Maps

What do you guys think about the new maps
Comment below if you like them.

postheadericon Welcome to New Friends!

Hello Penguins!

This week, we're celebrating our favorite first memories of Club Penguin by welcoming new friends to the island!

We've heard that many of you wished you had items when you were new to the island. Guess what? To start the celebration, every new player will receive two items -- a new background and new hat! Check it out:

blog_110626.jpg We'll also be giving these items to EVERYONE! If you already have a penguin, you'll get these two new items added to your inventory as part of the celebration! What do you think?

In other news... We'll have more sneak peeks and a special announcement here on the blog today and tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
-Posted on thecpnews98
Friday, June 24, 2011

postheadericon New Post

Hello Penguins!

We're excited to let you know that the team launched a new update to DJ3K today. If you're a member, you can save your own DJ3K music mixes! Then once you're finished your mix, you can play it for everyone in your igloo!

Check it out at the Night Club and let us know what you think of this new update. Happy77 made a quick video to show you what it looks like:

We can't wait to hear some of the tunes you guys come up with!

In other news... The team released a few more things today:

  • New Martial Artworks catalog for member ninjas
  • New music for your igloo
  • New pictures of Penguins Around The World sent to us by you!

What are you most excited about? Let us know...

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
Thursday, June 23, 2011

postheadericon How to record music mixes with DJ3K

Hey Guys well today I will show you how to record music with the game DJ3K on Club Penguin

   First go to the Dance Club and click the game DJ3K if you don't know  where it is then this picture will show you.

Well you press that then you play DJ3K and then you chose a track (only for members)

When you press it,you have to chose a tracker (for example House Blend)

Now when you press the track click the red button to start recording music

Here is how it looks when you are recording music.

When you are done recording the music you put save if you wanna save it.

If you clicked SAVE you have to name your music (for example "Test Music") Yes I know that's a horrible name for a music mix.

Last it gives you an option if you wanna Create a New Mix or Go to your igloo.

Last if you pressed "Go to igloo" then you go to your igloo click the music button and you see the music made by Club Penguin and your Mixes.

Please comment below for more info
Watch the video if you can't see the pictures good.

postheadericon Reveiwed BY YOU: MEMORIES

Hey Penguins,there is a new post on the club penguin blog.It is all about memories...
under this line is the post.
Hello Penguins!
Last week we asked you what your favorite part of the Music Jam was. Here's what Zoeyice said:
Hey Club Penguin! I love the music jam! My favorite part is how there is so many different styles of music. I also love going to penguin's own music jams at their igloos! Oh, and I love how the Penguin Band floats in this year and their rocking new threads! Oh, and I hope to meet Candance and the Penguin Band. Waddle on!!
Thanks, Zoeyice! Glad you're enjoying the party.

blog_110622.jpgFor this week's Reviewed by You, we'd love to hear about the very first time you logged into Club Penguin. What did you like the most? Tell us about your first memory of Club Penguin!
Write your review as a short comment (50-75 words, please!) We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!
Until then... Waddle on!
- Club Penguin Team
-Posted on Thecpnews98
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

postheadericon Club Penguin Down?

Hi Guys!
Trying to log in  Club Penguin? You cant because Disney forgot to pay Club Penguin's Domain! As of today.. Club Penguin is still trying to fix this "technical glitch"

Until Then Try spend time with others :D

Comment us your thoughts

Sunday, June 19, 2011

postheadericon New Message From Director

Hello Penguins.Today I logged in Club Penguin and I noticed there was a new message from the director.

Yes director,you are right.Have you found the Penguin Band Or Candace?Comment below witch ones you found.
Thursday, June 16, 2011

postheadericon The New Penguin Band look

One of happy77's videos showed the new penguin band stage.

I was looking in clubpenuin swf's and look what I found the new penguin band backround.

If you go to the backstage it has a new poster,with the penguin band's new look (room if only for members)

postheadericon Music Jam 2011 Free Items

Here is the rooftop,you can get a free boombox here (this room is only for members)

Here are the boomboxes,go press them and it asks you if you want one.

If you press yes you put on your boombox and this is how it looks when your dancing with it

Now you go to the backstage room to get another free item (only for members) press it and it asks you if you want it

This is how your Penguin looks with the green shirt if you pressed yes and put it on.

Go to the cove and you will see a free music hat press it and it will ask you if you want it (everyone can get it)

It will ask you if you want it
Saturday, June 11, 2011

postheadericon New Music Jam Sneak Peek part 2 of 2

Heres part 2 of my post

postheadericon Music Jam Sneak Peek part 1 of 2

Heres the music jam sneak peeks

postheadericon Penguin Band

Hello Penguins!

Great guesses on this week's sneak peek blog post! Quite a few of you guessed that the big picture was the Penguin Band... You were right!

The Penguin Band has changed their look a few times since the beginning of Club Penguin. They first appeared in Penguin Chat 3 back in 2005. Back then, all the members were blue, and they played different instruments:

penguinband_pc2.jpgThe group first appeared in Club Penguin in 2006, with different colors and instruments. First they were a Hawaiian band:

blog_110610_b.jpgThen they were a country band:

blog_110610_c.jpgThis year, the Penguin Band is a bit more modern. We were inspired by all the different bands we've seen around the island. We wanted the Penguin Band to have their own unique musical style, just like you! Now the band is into more than just country -- they're also into rock, alternative and electronic music.

Many bands like to change their style every few years. Who knows? Maybe Penguin Band will change their look again in the future...

What musical style do you like best? Tell us about your favorite in the comments! 

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

-Posted by Jayy124cp on Thecpnews98
Thursday, June 9, 2011

postheadericon New Stage ~ Secret Of The Bamboo Forest

There is a new stage out today on Club Penguin and it is the Secrets Of The Bamboo Forest!

There are no cheats in the stage catalog!

To get across the river you have to find the Enchanted Feather Pin!

The pin is at the Beacon!

When you get back to the stage and cross the river you will find a Phoenix Queen's Background!

Hello Penguins!

Some of you may have already noticed that the team updated a few things for puffles recently.

blog_110609.jpgIn case you missed it, here are a few things they updated last week:

  • New ways to play with your pet... You can now poke, pet or even tickle your puffles!
  • New puffle mats in the Pet Shop. Now the carpet in the middle of the room looks different depending on which puffle is walking with you!
  • Puffle close-ups load faster
  • Small interface improvements in puffle close-ups

Had you noticed any of these new puffle updates? Which update is your favorite? As always, we want to hear what you think, so let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle On!
What do you think of the new Puffles? Let us know in a comment!

-Posted By jayy124cp on thecpnews98 blog


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